Business name: SAS MARLIM.
Head Office: 17 Rue Fulton 87280 LIMOGES France
Phone: (+33) 5 55 37 30 30
Publication Directors: Jean-Luc MANGIN
Share Capital: 274,408 euros
SIRET No.: 35004198400088
RCS Registration: LIMOGES B 350 041 984
VAT No.: FR04443100524
Site hosted by: OVH - 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix (France)

Design and Production:
This online store was created by SAY TOUT COM, 2 rue Louis Blériot - 87270 COUZEIX.
All elements of the site (logos, graphics, photos, animations, sounds, texts) are the property of MARLIM, excluding elements belonging to a partner of MARLIM.


Continuing to browse this site constitutes unreserved acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use.
The currently online version of these terms of use is the only one enforceable during the entire period of use of the site and until a new version replaces it.

Article 1 - Access to the Site
Access to the site is strictly reserved for adults. The publisher reserves the right to request any proof of your age, especially if you use online ordering services. Access to the site and its use are for strictly personal purposes. You agree not to use this site and the information or data contained therein for commercial, political, advertising purposes, or for any form of commercial solicitation, including sending unsolicited emails.

Article 2 - Content of the Site
All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, animated or not, video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications that could be used to operate this site and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the site are protected by applicable laws under intellectual property rights.
They are the full and entire property of the publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use, or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the publisher, is strictly prohibited. The fact that the publisher does not initiate proceedings upon becoming aware of these unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of said uses and waiver of prosecution.

Article 3 - Site Management
For the proper management of the site, the publisher may at any time:

  • Suspend, interrupt, or limit access to all or part of the site, reserve access to the site, or certain parts of the site, to a specific category of internet users;
  • Remove any information that could disrupt the functioning of the site or that contravenes national or international laws, or the rules of Netiquette;
  • Suspend the site to carry out updates.

Article 4 - Responsibilities
The publisher cannot be held liable in case of failure, breakdown, difficulty, or interruption of operation, preventing access to the site or any of its functionalities.
The connection equipment to the site you use is under your full responsibility. You must take all appropriate measures to protect your equipment and your own data, particularly from internet virus attacks. You are also solely responsible for the sites and data you consult.
The publisher cannot be held responsible in case of legal proceedings against you:

  • Due to the use of the site or any service accessible via the Internet;
  • Due to your non-compliance with these terms and conditions.

The publisher is not responsible for any damage caused to you, third parties, and/or your equipment due to your connection or use of the site, and you waive any action against him as a result.
If the publisher were to be the subject of an amicable or judicial procedure due to your use of the site, he could turn against you to obtain compensation for all damages, sums, convictions, and costs that could result from this procedure.

Article 5 - Hypertext Links
Setting up any hypertext links to all or part of the site is strictly prohibited unless prior written authorization from the publisher is requested by email at the following address:
The publisher is free to refuse this authorization without having to justify in any way his decision. In the event that the publisher grants his authorization, it is in any case only temporary and can be withdrawn at any time, without obligation to justify to the publisher.
In any case, any link must be removed on simple request from the publisher.
Any information accessible via a link to other sites is not under the control of the publisher who declines any responsibility for their content.

Article 6 - Protection of Personal Data
The site collects your personal data, to learn more about our personal data protection policy, click here.

Article 7 - Cookies
The site may automatically collect standard information through cookies and trackers, to learn more about our cookie policy, click here.

Article 8 - Product Photographs and Representation
Product photographs accompanying their description are not contractual and do not engage the publisher.

Article 9 - Applicable Law
These terms of use of the site are governed by French law.

Article 10 - Contact Us
For any questions, information about the products presented on the site, or concerning the site itself, you can leave a message at the following address: